Group Exhibition
Three hot springs of Mimasaka Art temperature
KATSRAGI, DOT Cafe (Okayama, Japan)
|湯郷温泉かつらぎ、DOT Cafe (岡山)
Photo by SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki
We invite 24 up-and-coming artists from the prefecture and outside who are active in the front lines to 25 places such as accommodations in Mimasaka Santou (Yunogo Onsen, Yubara Onsen, Okutsu Onsen). Through the production and exhibition of their works, we will create and transmit new cultural values to the hot springs which can only be enjoyed in this place. The "Mimasaka Santou Art Temperature" expresses the warmth of the hot spring water, the warm hospitality of the hot spring inn, the excitement and discovery of art appreciation, and other various sensations that can be gained by actually experiencing the hot spring. The word "Temperature" expresses the hope that visitors will feel this "Temperature" and that they will discover new emotions and discoveries through their art work. By combining the sensitivity and creativity of artists with the history and culture of the Mimasaka Santou area, it invites visitors to the world of the deep attractiveness of the three hot springs (OH NO!) and creates new places for relationships such as meetings and exchanges with communities and people. This new way of enjoyment that can only be experienced here attracts and heals the hearts of visitors. (text: Publicity)With the theme "Onsen Museum 2000 Years Later" SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki will exhibit "PLANET REMAINS (Onsen ruins 2000 years later)" etc. It is said that Jikaku Daien Ninhoshi discovered this famous hot spring about 1200 years ago (Shirasagi) led by a white heron (Heian period). It is also known as "Sagi no Yu (Saginoyu)". We will research the townscape of Yunogo Onsen, liken the paper cranes to herons "a modern person excavated 2000 years later (41 century)", liken the kewpie dolls to (sagi) and introduce the lives and activities of the people of Yunogo Onsen. We will also exhibit our work at the DOT CAFE across the street. For details, please check the QR code at the venue.
◎会場:湯郷温泉・湯原温泉・奥津温泉(岡山) *旅館組合に所属している旅館施設及びその周辺
・DOT CAFE: 11:30ー15:00 月休・不定休
柴川は、「2000年後の温泉ミュージアム」をテーマに、「PLANET REMAINS(2000年後の温泉遺跡)」等を出品します。ここ湯郷温泉は約1200年前(平安時代)に慈覚大円仁法師が白鷺(しらさぎ)に導かれ発見したと伝えられ、別名「鷺の湯(さぎのゆ)」と呼ばれる名湯です。湯郷温泉の町並みをリサーチし、折り鶴を鷺(さぎ)に見立て、キューピー人形を「2000年後(41世紀)に発掘された現代人」に見立て、湯郷温泉にいた人々の様子や営みを紹介します。また、向かいにあるDOT CAFEにも作品を展示します。
*DOT CAFE:かつらぎの隣のカフェ。ランチが人気です!
◎出品作家(全24名):榎 真弓、太田三郎、北川太郎、炭田紗季、柴川敏之、高松明日香、高本敦基、東島 毅、宮崎郁子、森山知己、山部泰司 他