Document|Celebrate the Ohara Museum of Art's 80th birthday! Project
記録集|大原美術館の80歳をお祝いしよう! プロジェクト
Ohara Museum of Art (Okayama, Japan)
Records of the 80 year anniversary of the Ohara Museum of Art "Celebrate 80 years old at the Ohara Museum of Art! Project" held in 2010. In this project, children and visitors from the community were asked to create lamp shades based on the motif of a dragon (Designed by Torajiro Kojima) carved on the "Imabashi" in front of the Ohara Museum of Art, and the 7,000 lamps were lined up in the shape of "Imahashi no Ryū" on November 3, 2010 and 7. This paper documents the whole aspect of this project.
◎テキスト:高階秀爾、大原謙一郎、鬼本佳代子、柴川敏之 他