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Group Exhibition

Contemporary Forms - Life & Art -

The Forms of Intoxication




Higashi-hiroshima City Museum of Art

(Hiroshima, Japan)

東広島市立美術館 (広島)

Photo by Mareo Suemasa

An exhibition focusing on sake, one of the representative industries of Higashihiroshima City. This is a project to explore the sense of "sickness" caused by drinking by covering a wide range of topics from positive "floating sensation" "sickness" to negative "sickness", starting with "elation", "reality and unreality", and so on. There are related events such as a talk show by YAMAGUCHI Akira. (text: flyers)


◎日時:2006年2月10日(金)ー3月19日(日) 10:00ー17:00 

◎出品作家:伊庭靖子、北山善夫、柴川敏之、山口 晃、他 

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