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Group Exhibition


the contemporary art exhibition for the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb

|現代美術展  被爆60年に向けて



The former Bank of Japan, Hiroshima Branch

(Hiroshima, Japan)

旧日本銀行広島支店 (広島)

photo by SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki

An exhibition held at the former Hiroshima Branch of the Bank of Japan (Design: NAGANO Uheiji + Bank of Japan Temporary Building Department), which is an atomic-bombed building in Hiroshima City. A modern art exhibition that explores new expressions from Hiroshima in the 60 years since the atomic bombing. ARTOM is a combination of ART and ATOM (atom).  (text: flyers)


◎日時:2005年12月23日(金)−2006年1月8日(日)  11:00ー19:00 


◎出品作家:小野環、柴川敏之、范 叔如、他

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