Group Exhibition
the contemporary art exhibition for the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb
|現代美術展 被爆60年に向けて
The former Bank of Japan, Hiroshima Branch
|旧日本銀行広島支店 (広島)

photo by SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki
An exhibition held at the former Hiroshima Branch of the Bank of Japan (Design: NAGANO Uheiji + Bank of Japan Temporary Building Department), which is an atomic-bombed building in Hiroshima City. A modern art exhibition that explores new expressions from Hiroshima in the 60 years since the atomic bombing. ARTOM is a combination of ART and ATOM (atom). (text: flyers)
◎日時:2005年12月23日(金)−2006年1月8日(日) 11:00ー19:00
◎出品作家:小野環、柴川敏之、范 叔如、他