Group Exhibition
Palette Memory
Japanese Modern Painters
パレットの記憶 〜日本近代洋画家たち
Tsuruoka Art Forum (Yamagata, Japan)
|鶴岡アートフォーラム (山形)
This exhibition introduces the works of masters of modern Japanese Western-style paintings, including Ryuzaburo Umehara, Sotaro Yasui, and Takeshi Hayashi, as well as the palette that each artist used. The oil paintings on display are composed of works and self-portraits that symbolize each painting style. In addition to the palettes and oil paintings of the Japanese-style painters, the palettes and works of Picasso, Matisse, Dali's palettes, and the artist of the "Time capsule 2000 years later" exhibition, Toshiyuki Shibakawa, are also included, and about 40 items from 21 artists in total will be introduced. (text: flyers)
◎日時:2007年4月28日(土)ー6月3日(日) 9:00ー17:30
◎出品作家:朝井閑右衛門、梅原龍三郎、香月泰男、金山平三、鴨居 玲、北川民次、木村忠太、里見勝茂、鳥海青児、中川一政、中山 巍、林 武、福井良之助、三岸節子、宮本三郎、安井曾太郎、渡渡邊榮一、ピカソ、ダリ、マティス、柴川敏之(特別出品)