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We regard familiar things as symbols of the modern times and arrange them on the floor. Take a engraved print with a roller and view it as a "fossils found on paper 2000 years later". Let's put back coloring (Spray water from the back and color it with paint.) used by Shiko Munakata on the newly made Takubon. You can't wait to see what kind of work it will be. Participants' works will be displayed at the entrance of Munakata Shiko Exhibition. (text: flyers)
*Planning related to '100 Year Anniversary Munakata Shiko Exhibition'


◎日時:2003年1月11日(土)・25日 (日)  14:00〜16:00


◎対象:3才〜大人 ◎定員:各回20名  ◎参加料:300円(材料費)

*『生誕100年記念 棟方志功展』の関連企画

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photo by SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki

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